Sound installations
Silence and Movement
In the course of an exhibition of Alexander Heil, which took place in Berlin Loehn developed the concept and produced the sound for an installation.
The exhibition was called "Silence and Movement" and it was held at Zauberberg.
The sound concept included recordings of sculptural woodworks and working sounds that were remixed into a musique concrete collage.
PALAVRAKIs' exhibition
In the course of Apostolos Palavrakis' exhibition
Lars created a sound installation for his sculptures.
The exhibition was shown at Beck & Eggeling in Duesseldorf
Sound and Music for Snow
For a project by the Berlin based artist Katrin Glanz, Lars Loehn developed a music and sound collage consisting of different artificial snow and ice componenets.
Together, these components filled up a room and whenever they were move, they made "the sound of snow".
Concept Competition with
Angela Lubic
In 2006, Lars Loehn took part in a collaboration with Angela Lubic for an invited competition in Leipzig.
He composed the music for an installation featured in an exhibition that was part of this competition.
The installation consisted of an interactive media sculpture that was connected to audio as well as video. Moreover, water was running down a glass which surrounded the sculpture.
The ToneLadder
On request of White Void and Innovation Lab A/S Denmark, Lars Loehn and Christopher Bauder jointly developed the ToneLadder
Being extended with a sensor system, the ToneLadder transforms into a real musical instrument. Stepping on a bar of the ladder or touching it by hand creates a sound, tone or musical loop, which varies from rung to rung.
The ToneLadder was featured in numerous exhibitions and won 1st prize at the Learntech Multimedia Competition.