The White KinG
The White King is a 2016 British sci-fi-drama film written and directed by Alex Helfrecht and Jörg Tittel. It is an adaptation of the novel of the same name written by György Dragoman and follows Djata (Lorenzo Allchurch) growing up in a dictatorship, without access to the rest of the world, while dealing with persecution against him and his parents by the government. It had its world premiere at the Edinburgh International Film Festival and its international premiere at theTallinn Black Nights Film Festival. Additional music composed together with my dear friend Tobias Vethake,
Directed by Alex Helfrecht, Jörg Tittel
Produced by Alex Helfrecht, Jörg Tittel, Philip Munger, Teun Hilte
Screenplay by Alex Helfrecht, Jörg Tittel
Based on Starring The White King by György Dragoman
Starring Lorenzo Allchurch, Olivia Williams, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Jonathan Pryce